Grace on the Journey: Learning How to Trust in the Dark
Have you ever felt like you are standing in the fire? Like everywhere you turn, you just keep getting burned? Or maybe you feel like you are drowning, thick clouds pouring unrelenting water from above while the waves below try their best to drag you under. I know the...
Grace on the Journey: A Season of Waiting
Hello, everyone 😊 I’m Deanna! I want to share how God has been guiding me through a season of waiting and how I have been working to trust God’s plan for my future. A year and a half ago, I moved from a long season of action into a season of waiting. I hit a point of...
Grace on the Journey: Fighting Worry and Finding Faith
What do they think of me? Will they like what I have to say? These are questions I would often ask myself as a teenager suffering from severe social anxiety. I wanted so desperately to fit in and find friends, wanted so badly to be ‘cool.’ But in this desire to be...
Grace on the Journey – Ditching Disobedience: Trading In My Desires for God’s Glory | by Kelsey Bayne
“How did I get here?” It’s a question many of us have asked ourselves in troubling times. When I asked myself this question, I was heartbroken, in tears daily, and riddled with anxiety. Each day was filled with pain and grief that grew stronger with every...
Grace on the Journey: Finding True Love
Just like most people, I have always dreamt of being loved unconditionally. I wanted to be loved despite all of my flaws, mood swings, and weaknesses. I wanted to feel accepted without judgment. I hoped to find people that would choose to stay with me, even on my...
It’s Time To Get Back Up: An Honest Life Update
It's been nearly a year since I've last posted here in our community, and by all online standards I suppose that makes me a terrible blogger. This Covid season has been tough, and it seems it has rendered me speechless, feeling like I have nothing left over to offer....
Keeping the Faith Despite Your Failures
You’ve battled with that sin for as long as you can remember. It has gotten the best of you time and time again. Although you desire to overcome, somehow you just end up in the same place, feeling the same emotions, falling prey to the same temptation, and hearing that same condemning voice telling you that you just can’t get it right.
Keeping the Faith Despite Rejection with Shannon McCoy
Join the conversation as I chat with Shannon Lorraine McCoy about keeping the faith despite rejection. Shannon does not hold back as she candidly shares her experience in an abusive relationship that caused deep emotional wounds, her current struggle with PTSD, and the hope she has because of Christ.
Keeping The Faith Despite Heartbreak with Kelsey Bayne
Join the conversation as I talk with my friend, Kelsey Bayne, about keeping the faith despite heartbreak. By walking through painful relationships that ended and tough experiences over the last few years, Kelsey has learned more about who God is and who she is as a...